tina elrouss is working with creatives, scientists or activists. She helps them in Marketing and Business needs across multiple spectrums, all towards a regenerative economy.

She believes that we thrive when living in balance, in harmony with nature and each other, mirroring what biodiversity and ecosystem strength is all about. She believes that business can reflect that.

About our founder

Tina’s current quest is to apply her knowledge, experiment further and partner with people who have the same mindset of wanting to shape business as a force of good. 

How can we create new approaches in the system which currently favours and glorifies the loudest, fastest and biggest instead of the honest and conscious? How do we restore that balance?

tina has 12 years of experience in Marketing/Business both in ecommerce/tech (Nutrisense, Booking.com New Verticals) & Consumer Goods (Unilever), leading brands, campaigns and products to growth. She is also passionate about creative fields such as design and Jewellery.

Continuously building knowledge on biodiversity and social impact, combining that with her business acumen as well as her personality full of curiosity and courage, she is always ahead of her game. Like those around her describe her “Tina always has two sides. She is bold, capable yet sensitive and empathetic. Conceptual yet analytical. It is the clash of both that makes working with her interesting and evolving”.